Trans Aero MedEvac Participates in Winter Wonderland Fundraiser For Chaves County CASA

Trans Aero MedEvac had the pleasure of recently designing and donating a Christmas tree to Chaves County CASA’s Winter Wonderland silent auction fundraiser. The tree, designed by Trans Aero MedEvac crew member Leslie Johnson, featured a “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” theme, and was able to ultimately raise $2,250.

Trans Aero MedEvac’s tree, designed with a “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” theme, raised $2,250 for Chaves County CASA

First established in 1987, Chaves County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) works with volunteers who act as a voice for children who have been the victims of neglect and abuse. To learn more about the work that Chaves County CASA is doing, or to learn about volunteer opportunities, please visit

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